Each time when I meet with people and when I'm given the opportunity to share the word of God to others, I constantly remind myself and utter a simple prayer to the Lord --- "Let it not be persuasive words of man, but let Your power be demonstrated."
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Eloquent in Speech????
Each time when I meet with people and when I'm given the opportunity to share the word of God to others, I constantly remind myself and utter a simple prayer to the Lord --- "Let it not be persuasive words of man, but let Your power be demonstrated."
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
This has been a question that I've been thinking about and at the same time reflecting on for this entire week. The reality of our daily life routine is this - we'll always be busy and we will always be on the move. But, what are we investing our time in every day? Have you ever STOP to sit, reflect on your life and evaluate if you are majoring on the majors in your life?
ONLY ONE LIFE - With limited number of days.
"Show me, O Lord, my life's end and the number of my days; let me know how fleeting is my life." Psalms 39:4
Some questions for us to ponder on:
ONLY ONE LIFE... Invest it well!!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Truth has it's timing
But, the question will be - are we going to give up & let go OR are we going to continue to love and speak the truth?
Earning our rights to speak truth into others I believe is strongly needed - and that means taking the extra time and effort to build relationship and to really understand the people that God has brought and will continue to bring into our lives. True love can be felt - when we are truly concern for those that God brings and we want to share and tell them the truth, they will be able to feel our concerns. However, like what the above statement says - Truth will only be well accepted when the listener is ready and willing to listen. When they are not, even if we insist that it's time they hear about it - our actions are only pushing them further away from the truth and also from us.
So what should we do in times like that? How do we know they are ready to hear?
1. Be sensitive and really listen to them (do this continuously)
2. Pray for them as they share
3. Discern the timing and the leading of the H.Spirit
4. Present the truth well (do not force it down their throat)
5. Whatever their responses may be, continue to love them and show that you care (discover their love language - how they want to be love)
God always have a way in helping the ones that we are concern about know the truth. His ways are higher and His timing is always the best. When things seems to look and feel stormy, let's learn to rest and surrender those that we love to Him - Our Heavenly Father knows what's best.
In the mean time, are you ready to listen to the truth that others are wanting to tell you? Are you positioning yourself to be a willing student of the truth so that it can penetrate into your heart at anytime given time? Ponder about this......
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
A Time of Searching
We are in a season of prayer. Many Malaysians of all ages have come together to fast and pray for the next 40 days. As I begin to take time and join many other Malaysians in unity to pray and uphold my nation, I was reminded about this verse:
"In your anger do not sin; when you are on your beds, search your hearts and be silent." Psalms 4:4
I believe that in this season of prayer, it's also a very appropriate time for each and everyone of us to search our own hearts. Many of us are always searching for different things in our lives. But, there's a vital area that we are prone to neglect - our hearts.
We are constantly reminded by the Word to search our hearts, to allow and invite the H.Spirit to search us.. Yet Psalms 4:4 says search your hearts and be silent. I've been pondering on this verse
"Why is it that we are encouraged to search our hearts in the night and be silent?"
When all activities in our life ceases and come to an end, when we are in a relax mode and our entire being is wanting to rest - that's when the fears of our hearts and the different voices that we've been trying to run away from becomes loud and clear.
It takes lots of courage and boldness to welcome the H.Spirit and to invite him to search our inner most thoughts and what's really going on in our hearts. Is there any anger? Is there any pain? Is there any sin? Is there any struggle? Is there any unforgiveness? Is there any fears/condemnation? What is the H.Spirit wanting to tell me?
During moments like this, when the H.Spirit begins to examine our hearts and remind us of different situations and reveal our real heart condition to us - what is your first respond? Think about this.......
Is there a reason why the Word tells us to be silent when we allow the H. Spirit to search our hearts? Could it be that because when He reveals and shows us something, we are very quick to defend ourselves? Or could it be that we quickly tell Him not to touch those areas? Or do we quickly just move on to the next thing?
However, the best search that you can ever have in your life - is to be courageous and allow the H.Spirit to search your heart. In those moments, let your heart be silent. Do not be too quick to respond and answer. Why? Because it's in listening then you'll be able to hear your inner most heart and thoughts and what the H.Spirit is wanting to say and do.
Growth awaits for those whose hearts are ready to hear what the Spirit of God is saying.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Change has been something that's on my mind for the past few months..Just felt so strongly that it's time for us as an individual and family of PCC Melaka to start reviewing our perspectives, the way we do things, the way we live our lives, the way we conduct ourselves and etc...
Why is change needed in our lives? Well for many reasons. Just a few food for thought:
1. Change brings growth
- we need to be constantly growing and expanding at different seasons and aspects of our lives. Staying stagnant will only cause us to be inward looking, which always results in lots of complaining.
2. Change brings excitement and anticipation
- Yes of course in the initial stages of change, we will feel very uncomfortable. In fact, we may not even like it. Every part of our being may be screaming - I DON'T WANT!!!!! I DON'T LIKE IT!!
- But, as we learn to welcome and accept and to make this little steps of changes, excitement and anticipation will begin to build up IF we start to look at the positive sides and to understand why changes are necessary.
3. Changes brings fresh blood and ideas
- There are lots of creativity, passion and ideas that resides in everyone of us. However, many times the reservoir is not tab into. Why don't we take a chance and tab into it?
- Fresh blood and ideas also mean enabling and empowering the next generation to be part of what God's wanting to do and move in our church and nation: after all, they will eventually be the next baton runner in this relay race.
4. Changes either build stronger or weaken our bonds
- Deep and strong bonds are many times formed when we go through and
walk through different seasons of life together. The closer our relationship is with one another, we start to discover the strength and weaknesses that we have among ourselves.
- But because, all of us are different and our response to situations are also different, naturally we experience inward changes with or without us realizing it.
- However, strong bonds can only be build if we learn to be responsible for our own emotions and response. Choose to respond positively for the glory of God and the unity of the body.
Accepting changes is really our personal choices. No one can force us to change. We need to however bear in mind that change is the only constant in our life. If we are able to comprehend that "The
Will you? I'm learning to embrace changes so that I can be all I'm meant to be. Let's take and walk this journey together as a family of PCC, Melaka.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Moving Ahead Together
The scriptures exalts us to love one another as Christ love us so that all men will know that we are His disciples (Jn 13:34-35). Love is the attribute of our Heavenly Father. As His chilren, we are to exhibit His attributes and nature so that others too will come to know Him and be embrace and filled with His love.
How can we do that?
Making connections by bonding. Bonding is the ability to relate to another on the deepest level, without the fear of being rejected.
Who should we bond with?
1. God
2. Others
3. Ourselves
Let's be reminded once again that the message of the Gospel is one of restoration of relationship.
"All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation." 2 Cor 5:18
Let's start bonding and reflecting God's nature today!!
Ps Rachel