Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A Time of Searching

We are always searching for something. The search never ends. Different seasons of our lives, brings us to a new journey of search. At this current point of your life, what are you really searching for? What is it that really brings that true satisfaction you are longing for?

We are in a season of prayer. Many Malaysians of all ages have come together to fast and pray for the next 40 days. As I begin to take time and join many other Malaysians in unity to pray and uphold my nation, I was reminded about this verse:

"In your anger do not sin; when you are on your beds, search your hearts and be silent." Psalms 4:4

I believe that in this season of prayer, it's also a very appropriate time for each and everyone of us to search our own hearts. Many of us are always searching for different things in our lives. But, there's a vital area that we are prone to neglect - our hearts.

We are constantly reminded by the Word to search our hearts, to allow and invite the H.Spirit to search us.. Yet Psalms 4:4 says search your hearts and be silent. I've been pondering on this verse

"Why is it that we are encouraged to search our hearts in the night and be silent?"

When all activities in our life ceases and come to an end, when we are in a relax mode and our entire being is wanting to rest - that's when the fears of our hearts and the different voices that we've been trying to run away from becomes loud and clear.

It takes lots of courage and boldness to welcome the H.Spirit and to invite him to search our inner most thoughts and what's really going on in our hearts. Is there any anger? Is there any pain? Is there any sin? Is there any struggle? Is there any unforgiveness? Is there any fears/condemnation? What is the H.Spirit wanting to tell me?

During moments like this, when the H.Spirit begins to examine our hearts and remind us of different situations and reveal our real heart condition to us - what is your first respond? Think about this.......

Is there a reason why the Word tells us to be silent when we allow the H. Spirit to search our hearts? Could it be that because when He reveals and shows us something, we are very quick to defend ourselves? Or could it be that we quickly tell Him not to touch those areas? Or do we quickly just move on to the next thing?


However, the best search that you can ever have in your life - is to be courageous and allow the H.Spirit to search your heart. In those moments, let your heart be silent. Do not be too quick to respond and answer. Why? Because it's in listening then you'll be able to hear your inner most heart and thoughts and what the H.Spirit is wanting to say and do.

Growth awaits for those whose hearts are ready to hear what the Spirit of God is saying.

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